What do Members of the Senedd do?

Published 19/11/2020   |   Last Updated 29/04/2021   |   Reading Time minutes

What do Members do in the Senedd?

When the Senedd is sitting (meeting), Members meet twice week in the Siambr - the debating chamber. They question Welsh Government Ministers, examine proposed laws and debate issues. 

Most Members also take part in our committees. These focus on areas of life in Wales, such as health or education, and examine laws or government policy that could affect them. 

Our committees are roughly made up of Members that match the overall representation of current elected parties.


What do Members do in the places they represent?

Most Members have a local office in their constituency or region, and employ staff to help them with enquiries from their constituents. 

Members will often hold a 'surgery'. These are regular sessions for any member of the public to come and meet their representative and discuss any issues that may concern them.  Lots of constituents also get in touch online, or over the telephone. 

Members will also visit businesses, schools and other local organisations to try to meet as many people as possible. This gives them more insight into everyday issues and problems facing those they represent which they may then discuss in the Senedd.


Find your Members of the Senedd

You are represented in the Senedd by five Members. One for your local area and four for the region of Wales you live in.

Find your Members of the Senedd