A detailed list of all items of business can be found in the Plenary Agenda prepared for each meeting. Items placed on the Agenda include:
- questions to Welsh Ministers and Senedd Commissioners;
- statements or debates on topics put forward by the Government, political parties or individual Members; and
- consideration of pieces of law impacting on Wales.
Questions to government Ministers or Senedd Commissioners may be answered orally or in writing. Ministers from each government department attend Plenary on a rota basis to answer oral questions. The First Minister answers questions every Tuesday.
Oral and written statements are made by Government Ministers on issues of interest and importance to the Senedd and the people it represents. The Presiding Officer or Deputy Presiding Officer, Senedd Commissioners or other AMs with particular responsibilities (e.g. AMs proposing legislation) may also make oral statements.
Debates, motions and amendments
Any matter of interest to Wales and its people can be debated in Plenary. Debates can be proposed by government Ministers, Senedd Commissioners, opposition parties or individual Members.
Legislative proceedings in the Siambr
Legislation is usually considered at least once in Plenary during the course if its passage through the Senedd.
Votes are often taken to see whether a majority of Members either support or reject any proposals discussed in Plenary. Votes in the Senedd are usually taken electronically.