Progression Step 4 resources

Includes resource packs, activity booklets and videos for Progression Step 4.


Suitable for 11 to 14 year olds.


Explore parliament

Dive into the Senedd's work, powers, and responsibilities with our engaging activity booklet.

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Explore the Pierhead

Explore the Pierhead with our activity booklet, and hands-on guide for young learners.

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Me, My Area, My Voice

An interactive toolkit for educators and parents. Boost creativity in learning, whether in the classroom or at home.

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Additional learning needs session Opens on the Hwb website.

Me, My World, My Future

Versatile educational pack for classroom or online use at home. Delve into how decisions are made in Wales with this engaging resource.

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Our Senedd

Uncover the Senedd’s history, powers, and the role of Members in our resource pack. Plus, insights into voting in Senedd elections.

Download pack Opens on the Hwb website.

Our Senedd videos

Discover the Senedd's inner workings from home with our 4-part video series. Ideal for young learners.

Watch videos Opens on YouTube