A collection of member’s feathers designed with decorative symbols and meaningful messages and images of hope.

A collection of member’s feathers designed with decorative symbols and meaningful messages and images of hope.

Home: The Key to Hope

Published 27/11/2024   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

An exhibition by Crisis Skylight South Wales

Sponsored by Julie James MS

Dates: 7 January – 13 February 2025

Location: Senedd Oriel


Crisis, the national homelessness charity, is proud to share this exhibition created by members of Crisis Skylight South Wales. It emphasises that for people experiencing homelessness, the prospect of having a place to call home is often the key to hope.

Created by people with lived experience of homelessness, the exhibition comprises a range of artforms including photography, Gelli printing, pyrography, crafting and creative writing. It invites viewers to stand in the shoes of a person experiencing homelessness and reflect on the barriers faced by people who don’t have a stable place to call home.

For people who have experienced homelessness – whether that included sofa surfing, staying in unsuitable temporary accommodation, rough sleeping, or any other form of homelessness – the key to a home unlocks so much more than a door.

Having a stable place to call home makes it easier to find and maintain a job, stay mentally and physically healthy, and nurture relationships. The key to a home unlocks a basis from which we can build our lives. For many, home is the key to hope.





1 - A collection of member’s feathers designed with decorative symbols and meaningful messages and images of hope.

2 - A Crisis member using pyrography free hand to burn decorative symbols on a wooden feather for the exhibition.

3 - An example of a Crisis member’s Gelli print of a home. Materials used include bubble wrap and a house template.

4 - A Crisis Member Gelli printing to create images to transfer onto gelli plates and then onto paper using a range of materials, colours and textures.